High Precision PCB Red Revolutionary Line Team Building Oct 21, 2021
High Precision PCB Red Revolutionary Line Team Building

From Oct 15th, 2021 to Oct 20th, 2021, the 6-day team building ended successfully.

We went to Lushan, a famous summer resort. The most impressive thing is that there are more than 400 bends up and down, and there are more than 200 days of misty and rainy weather in a year. But this does not hinder everyone's interest in visiting and climbing, driving through the winding up and down mountains in thick fog, climbing steep mountain roads in strong winds and heavy rain, but no one is left behind and insists on walking the whole way.

Leaving Lushan, we came to Mount Jiuhua, a holy place of Buddhism, and experienced the rich Buddhist culture and beautiful mountains.

After going down the mountain, we had a basketball game separated by more than 1,100 kilometers. Every member tried their best, and the final score was 101:92, high precision PCB wins.

The next day, we came to Shitai Penglai Cave, where all the scenic spots in the cave are natural and overwhelming. Although the steps in the cave are high and narrow, no one feels tired all the way. A worthwhile trip.

At the last stop, we came to Jinggang Mountain, the cradle of the red revolution. We watched the large-scale live-action song and dance epic "Jinggangshan". Once again, I was moved by the selfless spirit of the Red Army who gave up their families, and deeply felt the hardships of the revolution.

What is shocking is the Jinggangshan Struggle Panoramic Picture Acoustic Photoelectric Demonstration Hall, which is composed of three parts: panoramic painting, ground shaping and high-tech acoustic and optoelectronic demonstration system. It vividly shows the beautiful mountains and rivers of Baili Jinggang Mountain in the 1920s and 1930s, and shows the great revolutionary practice of the Chinese Communists represented by Mao.

The team building is over, but the impact will always be there. We will devote more enthusiasm to work to serve every customer well. Looking forward to the next team building.

Want to know more about High Precision Technology on PCB manufacturing,welcome to send us email info@gjzpcb.com


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